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Discover Nehemiah Study Guide (Korean)
Add to Shopping Cart $5.99 $8.27 CDN 12/25/2015
Discover Nehemiah Study Guide
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-62025-034-1 $6.99 $9.65 CDN 10/13/2015

Discover Nehemiah Study Guide

Rebuilding a Life

After the exiled people of God are freed to return to Jerusalem, Nehemiah gets involved in some important rebuilding, and he shows significant leadership in rallying the people to rededicate their work and their lives to God. In this Bible study we ...

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Discover Nehemiah Leader Guide
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-62025-035-8 $8.50 $11.73 CDN 10/13/2015

Discover Nehemiah Leader Guide

Rebuilding a Life

After the exiled people of God are freed to return to Jerusalem, Nehemiah gets involved in some important rebuilding, and he shows significant leadership in rallying the people to rededicate their work and their lives to God. In this Bible study we ...

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Discover Nehemiah Leader Guide (Korean)
Add to Shopping Cart $7.50 $10.35 CDN 10/1/2014
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