WE: The Epic Story

In ten intergenerational events, trace the narrative of God's big story from creation to new creation.

Laura Keeley
Bonny Mulder-Behnia
  • In Stock, set
  • 8/30/2011
  • 040000
  • 978-1-59255-561-1
  • Kit
  • 12.375 x 9.375 x 2
  • 2.06
  • 10
$100.00 /  $143.00 CDN
Order one per church.
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""WE: The Epic Story" is a great resource and model for the kind of short-term intergenerational learning experiences that can promote spiritual growth for adults and children. The combination of fellowship time, Scripture drama, interactive learning activities, and worship, provides a rich environment to encourage conversation on spiritual truths, reflection, prayer, and praise together. These ten sessions provide a coherent and connected overview of the story of salvation, from creation to the coming New Heaven and New Earth. This kind of overarching narrative is rare and precious for helping people understand and appreciate the message of the Bible, and the story that "we" are a part of even today. My advice to churches looking for a good resource is to try it!"
Dr. Kevin E. Lawson
Director, Ph.D. and Ed.D. programs in Educational Studies, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, and editor of the Christian Education Journal

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