Body & Soul

Reclaiming the Heidelberg Catechism

In this groundbreaking book, M. Craig Barnes reveals the Heidelberg Catechism as a deeply personal statement of faith and a surprisingly contemporary guide for everyday life.

By: M Craig Barnes

  • In Stock
  • 11/26/2012
  • 150580
  • 978-1-59255-745-5
  • Print
  • 5.5 x 8 x .475
  • 238
  • 0.50
$16.00 /  $22.88 CDN
Also available in eBook format.
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"The work of pastors and the work of theologians have been 'put asunder' by far too many in the American church, impoverishing both vocations. Craig Barnes uses the Heidelberg Catechism as a loom to skillfully weave them into a seamless garment. This is a rare work of beauty and blessing."
Eugene Peterson

"Craig Barnes is one of the most thoughtful and engaging minds around. Body & Soul will be a feast for your heart and mind. (And it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.)"
John Ortberg
Author and senior pastor of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in Northern California

"I can think of no one better than Craig Barnes to introduce the Heidelberg Catechism to contemporary Christians. The Catechism is a gift to the church, and so is Barnes' clear and illuminating book. Seekers, newcomers, and old hands in the church all will benefit from his thoughtful reflections."
Dr. Richard Lischer
Duke Divinity School

"To engage a catechism is to enter into a holy conversation. Craig Barnes brings insights as a pastor and church historian to the new translation of the Heidelberg. I encourage you to use his study guide to begin your own sacred dialogue."
Gradye Parsons
Stated Clerk Office of the General Assembly PC(USA)

"The beauty of the Heidelberg Catechism and the clarity of Craig Barnes' teaching bring the Good News into high definition. Treat yourself to this book, and then share the joy!"
Paul Detterman
Executive director of Presbyterians for Renewal

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