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Our Journey 2025 Conversation Cards

$500 USD
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This deck of 60 cards provides a simple and fun way to spark dialogue around the four milestones of Our Journey 2025 (the CRCNA Ministry Plan). In our journey with God, with each other, with our neighbors, and for mission, we desire to be congregations/communities that strive toward these four goals: 1. Cultivate practices of prayer and spiritual discipline. 2. Listen to the voices of every generation. 3. Grow in diversity and unity. 4. Share and live the gospel. These cards are meant to catalyze conversations that help us live into these four milestones, both in our congregations and in our personal lives. Ultimately, these discussions become part of our discipleship journey together. These questions don't have right or wrong answers, and encourage us to learn to listen well to one another. Sample Questions from the cards: What do you find it easy to pray for? What do you find it hard to pray for? Who was instrumental in sharing the gospel with you? What do you wish other generations understood about your generation? What is one thing you've learned from someone who is from a different culture or ethnicity than you?