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Discover Exodus 16-40 Leader Guide Digital

$900 USD
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In Part Two of this study of Exodus, the people of Israel receive God's law for their nation, and they learn how to honor, worship, and live for their Lord.Through Moses they receive the Ten Commandments and a system of sacrifices,and they learn to make beautiful furnishings for worship. Despite the people's rebellion at times, God constantly guides and provides for Israel along their way to the promised land.

As in Part One of this study, all these things reveal God's powerful work and faithfulness among his people so that they can be a blessing to all nations. In this way God continues working out his plan to deliver people of all nations from their slavery in sin to enjoy new life, through Jesus Christ,his one and only Son.

Discover Exodus: Life Lessons is the second part of a two-part study of the book of Exodus. Part Two features 12 lessons covering Exodus 16-40. Part One, titled Discover Exodus: Special Delivery, features 12 lessons covering Exodus 1-15. This material is intended for small group Bible study, but it can also be used profitably for personal study.