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Psalms for All Seasons Digital Edition - Music and Words for Print

$25000 USD
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This comprehensive, single-volume anthology is the largest collection of the psalms for use in Christian worship ever published. Psalms for All Seasons contains all 150 psalms, most in multiple formats. Each psalm appears in its actual biblical text, including as responsive readings. Includes responsorial settings for all psalms in the Revised Common Lectionary. Offers ideas for uses in worship settings.Uses a wide variety of musical and spoken settings, including metrical hymn, contemporary, global, chant, and responsorial settings, plus psalms interspersed with hymn verses, optional refrains, and new compositions. Psalms are set in formats consistent with their content. Provides complete musical settings for morning and evening prayer as well as basic musical settings for chanting. A full index allows searches by psalm, genre, occasion for use, subject, composer, and author. An indispensable resource for worship leaders and churches of all traditions. This edition features music and words (PDF and PNG format) for copying and pasting into a print document. Everything comes on a flashdrive. the purchase of this digital edition does not grant you permission to reprint or project all of the hymns and songs contained on it. You are responsible for the proper licensing needed for copyrighted material. For more information visit PsalmsforAllSeasons.org.