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Dear Parent

$900 USD
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Studies show that parents are the most influential people in the faith formation of their kids. Using the framework of four "Building Blocks of Faith," this book encourages parents as they help their children to find their place in God's family, know God's story, live in hope, and discover their calling. Each chapter ends with discussion or thought questions, ideas for living the chapter topic out, and a short resource list. Bundle Up and Send Faith-Formation Habits HomeSend families in your church a bundle of the following resources to encourage them in building good faith-forming habits at home. Start by ordering Dear Parent and consider including a few of these other recommended resources: Everyday Family Faith (book) Home Grown Handbook for Christian Parenting (book) 5 Ways Series handouts (FREE downloads) 5 Ways to Help Your Family Grow in Faith 5 Ways to Retell a Bible Story with Kids 5 Ways to Pray with Kids 5 Ways to Bring Children's Ministry Home