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WE: The Unshakeable Promise

$6000 USD
세금, 할인, 배송비는 결제 시 계산됩니다.

The Bible tells us of many covenants made between God and his people. Discover what covenants are and how they shape the salvation story. Events explore the covenants made with Noah and Abraham, God's covenant with his people at Mt. Sinai, Jesus as the covenant-keeper, the covenant we experience in the Lord's Supper, and God's covenant promise to send the Holy Spirit. Gather your whole church to share a meal, experience part of God's story through a drama or other activities, and talk and learn together around tables. Order one box per church to get everything you need to plan and run WE: The Unshakeable Promise. The event box includes a quick and easy "Getting Started" summary, an all-bases-covered event guide that makes it easy to set up and run your WE events. Includes full outlines of each event, supply and prep tips, and reproducible materials. The event CD includes story scripts and other reproducible materials, PowerPoint slides, audio files, promotional items, 11 x 17 promotional posters, a sample of a printable bulletin insert, and a sample of the printable take-home devotional guide