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Origins DVD

$1000 USD
세금, 할인, 배송비는 결제 시 계산됩니다.

How do Christians sort through the various theories about creation, evolution, and intelligent design? Is there a conflict between what the Bible reveals and what science teaches? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the various theories that Christians hold? In this six-session video companion to professors Deborah and Loren Haarsma explore what God's Word God's world teach us about the way the universe began. The DVD includes six short films featuring Loren and Deborah Haarsma and a small group discussion guide (pdf). Small groups interested in studying these issues in depth should consider purchasing one copy of the book for each participant or couple. The online videos and free discussion guide download are available at origins.faithaliveresources.org. These films were made possible through the support of a grant from The BioLogos Foundation's Evolution and Christian Faith program. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of BioLogos.