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What We Believe Leader's Guide, Part 1 (Sessions 1-12)

$1500 USD
세금, 할인, 배송비는 결제 시 계산됩니다.

This popular high school course covers key aspects of the Reformed faith and worldview in an easy-to-lead format. Based on the Belgic Confession, each session features a classic twenty-minute video lesson by pastor and teacher Lew Vander Meer. After watching the video segment (available atlearn.crcna.org), students use session guides (sold separately) to review, discuss, and apply the teachings to their lives. This leader guide provides helpful backgrounds and offers options and tips for leading student activities. This course will help teens make or renew a commitment to Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. understand the structure and distinctiveness of Reformed doctrine. Acquire and use a basic "faith vocabulary" common to the Reformed tradition. See a clear connection between doctrine and life. Respond positively to the teachings of the church.